Conductor, Singers, Dancers, Musicians
We´re searching for open-minded musicians (size of orchestra: 22), singers (size of choir: 16) and dancers (size of balet: 16). At last we´re searching for a conductor – beginning will be in the nex
Mentor Programme for Ukrainian Refugees in Weimar
Small rehearsal and training rooms available at the theatre’s main location.
Jobs for Ukrainian conductors, musicians, dancers, singers and stage crew!
We are searching for a new ORCHESTRA LEADER – a chief conductor for our little orchestra (www.ansambl.de/en/ensemble/orchester/), preferably someone with a slawian background. More information: www.an
Rehearsal and training rooms in Bautzen/Germany
different sizes, different equipment!
Space for Training/Rehearsal and/or venue for music or puppet theatre shows
We can offer space for training/rehearsal, times to be discussed in accordance with our schedule. Also, we can offer the opportunity to play shows (music, puppet theatre) if they fit the space.
Stage Crew (Lighting, Sound, Stagehands, Rigging etc.)
Guest performances (solo/group)
Übersetzer*in / Translator
We are looking for a translator / interperter, who will translate some of our shows (all in German language) live to the Ukrainian language. The translation will be live and will be broadcast via Wifi