Fellowship ITI Academy

Location / Розташування / место нахождения

Institution – інституція – Организация

Internationale Theatre Institute – German Centre

Country – Країна – Страна


City – Населений пункт – Населенный пункт

Berlin / Frankfurt / Offenbach

Federal StatE – Федеральна земля – Федеральная земля



General Information- Загальна інформаці – общая информация

Fellowship at the ITI Academy: https://www.iti-germany.de/en/meeting-exchange/the-iti-academy/iti-academy-open-call-2022
apply until: 10th of June

The ITI Academy is an exchange and training program for emerging, transnational cultural and performing art professionals. We exchange ideas, skills and knowledge on transnational working methods and cultural projects as a group of twenty fellows together with changing experts and guests. The close cooperation with Theater der Welt in Offenbach / Frankfurt, its team and institutions will provide you with insights into the working structures and tools of a Festival, which is considered to be one of the most important events in the international performing art scene (and which is currently reinventing itself). The ITI Academy’s highlight will be the Academy week, taking place in Offenbach / Frankfurt during Theater der Welt. The events and the space of the ITI Academy week will be planned and created together with the twenty fellows and you are warmly invited to make your own project, your themes and yourself visible. In addition, you will be supervised by a mentor for one year. Based on your individual needs and wishes, an experienced mentor will advise and encourage you in your personal project. “Your project” can be a transnational cultural network you are currently building, a transnational festival or collaboration, a translocal co-production or any other project that oscillates between local and international dimensions and located between performing arts and community building.
Module 1: CONCEPTUALIZATION 13.10. – 16.10.2022, Offenbach / Frankfurt
Module 2: CURATION 13.01. – 15.01.2023, Berlin
Module 3: PRODUCTION 03.03. – 05.03.2023, Offenbach / Frankfurt
Module 4: IMPLEMENTATION 12.05. – 14.05.2023, Berlin

Academy week during Theater der Welt Seven days in Offenbach / Frankfurt, beginning of July 2023

Between the modules, there will be other online formats, such as workshops, individual sessions of mentoring and non-compulsory exchange between participants.

You can apply for the ITI Academy if…
… you are at the beginning of your own practice and professional career, or you are rebuilding your career in Germany
…you are planning to build up or already organizing a transnational collaboration, network or a festival in the performing arts (performance, all forms of theatre, dance, music theatre, interdisciplinary formats)
…you are facing some questions or challenges regarding your project(s), and you would like to work on those in a safe space like the ITI Academy
…you would like to develop your vision and grow with it
…a big or a small city, a region, a village in Germany is your working base right now, from where you are building up translocal and transnational connections and bridges,
…you have a strong interest in the intersection of art, activism, social criticism, and social participation
…you can participate in all four modules, and
…you can be part of the Academy week in July 2023 in Offenbach / Frankfurt.

We strongly encourage emerging professionals to apply, who are newcomers in Germany, particularly those who had to leave their country of origin because of war or for political, social or economic reasons, as well as professionals facing structural exclusion or access barriers to the performing arts sector.

Time – Необхідні знання – Период времени

Start – початок – Начало

Specific start date


Duration – тривалість часу – Продолжительность

until specific date


Institution – Заклад / інституція – Организация

ABOUT THE INSTITUTION – Iнформація про заклад – Описание организации

The International Theatre Institute (ITI) was created in 1948, just after the Second World War. The purpose of ITI is to promote the international exchange of knowledge and practice in the performing arts in order to consolidate peace and friendship between peoples, to deepen mutual understanding, and increase creative cooperation between all people in the performing arts. ITI has now developed into the world’s largest organization for the performing arts, with more than 90 centres spread across every continent.

As an interest group for the performing arts, the ITI – German Centre is committed to their free development and the preservation of the diversity of their forms of expression. It provides and organises advisory services, festivals, symposiums, publications on the performing arts in national and transnational contexts and works in national and international committees. The ITI – German Centre develops its own projects in the fields of theatre and dance, cultural education, cultural heritage, the culture and creative industries, and is also an information and documentation centre for the performing arts in Germany.

Website – Веб-сторінка – Веб-сайт
Social media

Facebook, Instagram

Contact information – Контактна особа і контактні дані – Ответственное лицо и контакт
